The Shawne Bug Leo Incentive will pay out in 2016 to the TOP 2 Shawne Bug Leo offspring at the Barrel Futurities of America World Championship Futurity in December of 2016. NickelBar Ranch will award the fastest Shawne Bug Leo offspring time a $2,000 check and will award the second fastest Shawne Bug Leo offspring time a $1,000 check.



The times will be taken from two separate offspring from the 1st and 2nd go in the BFA Futurity. In order to be eligible, YOU MUST fill out the SBL Incentive Form and mail back to NickelBar Ranch. If ownership changes of the enrolled horse, then in order to be eligible for awards there must be a new form filled out showing NEW owners name and SS# with owners/agent signature. If we do not have your current ownership form on file then the horse is not eligible. Currently at this time, there is no cost to enroll your foal.



Requirements are that the foal is by Shawne Bug Leo. The offspring must be entered in the BFA Futurity to be eligible and must keep all 3 barrels up. A knocked down barrel(s) will not be eligible for an award from the SBL Incentive payout. The participating SBL offspring has to have a current ownership enrollment form on file. If NickelBar Ranch does not have the horse’s current ownership enrollment form on file then the horse is not eligible. NickelBar Ranch has the ability to make changes to the SBL Incentive program at any given moment and/or cancellations in the program due to unexpected circumstances. Awards will be issued up to 60 days after the said event.

Shawne Bug Leo Incentive Program

Click on the button for the Shawne Bug Leo Incentive Program Enrollment Form. You will need to print it, fill out and mail back to NickelBar Ranch.